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BOS Minutes September 27, 2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
September 27, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:03M

SUBJECT: Building Inspector

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. David Paveglio stated that he had a few people come to him regarding Map 3 Lot 68A located on Trap Road.  Currently there is a building on the 12 acres.  The building is considered a “cabin”.  It has a dug well, but does not have a septic system.  Selectman Colbert said the property has no building value, just a “feature” the “cabin” The question that was asked of Mr. Paveglio was can this “cabin” be torn down and replaced with a house? In accordance with Town Zoning this land and “cabin” fall under Article IV Non Conforming Uses.  The property has not been occupied in more than one year.  The property can be sold and a new house built on the property.  The person must meet the zoning ordinances, i.e get a building permit, driveway permit, have the proper road frontage and meet with the Planning Board.

Mr. Paveglio currently has six building permits left for next year.  Mr. Paveglio asked the Board of Selectmen if there was anything that could stop Mr. Mullaney from getting building permits.  The answer is no.  According to the signed agreement Mr. Mullaney, and owner of a lot or prospective purchaser(herein applicant) holding signed and unassignable bona fide purchase and sale agreement may apply for up to three (3) building permits each for a total not to exceed six (6) each year.  The applicant shall be permitted to enter the queue for a building permit without first submitting to the building inspector a septic system permit, driveway permit or building design.  The applicant has ninety (90) days to submit the aforementioned items.  All applicants must comply with all provisions of the Town’s Growth Management Ordinance   Mr. Paveglio said that Mr. Mullaney has not applied to be placed on the waiting list for building permits in 2006.

SUBJECT: Police Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Police Chief Patrick Clarke introduced Mr. Wade Courtemanche.  Mr. Courtemanche has been conditional hired as a part-time police officer for the Town of Chichester.  Mr. Courtemanche is a full-time police officer for the Town of Pittsfield.  Chief Clarke stated that he is waiting for the results of the background check on Mr. Courtemanche.

Chief Clarke stated that in 2003 a Police Equipment account was voted in by the Town of Chichester’s residents.  He stated that each year the amount of $1,500.00 was to be placed in this account.  He also stated that the Selectmen are agents of the account, which means that Chief Clarke can withdraw funds from the account for items needed by the police department but only with the authorization from the Selectmen.  Chief Clarke stated that he would like to trade in the police department’s pistols and replace them with new upgraded pistols.  Currently, the police carry Sigsaur P220.  The replacement pistols will be Sigsaur  P220 with extended law enforcement magazines; night sights and a rail system for mounting flashlights.  He said that the pistols come from Sigsaur, located in Exeter, NH.  He said that the replacement pistols normally would cost $725.00 each, however; with a discounted price and the trade ins he would save between $400 and $500.  Chief Clarke stated that the department is due to purchase new pistols next year, but this deal is too good to pass up.  The Selectmen agreed that it would be a good idea.  Chief Clarke stated that he could not find on the Trustees of Trust Fund report the line where the money should be.  The Selectmen asked Patty to look into this matter and report back to them so they may authorize Chief Clarke to make this purchase.

Chief Clarke asked the Selectmen about adding additional lines to his budget.  He wanted to add: new hires, that line would show costs relating to hiring new police officers, i.e  psychological tests and physicals.  Dumpster, that line would show the funds expended for the dumpster. Immunizations, that line would show costs for flu shots, hepatitis B and other immunizations.  Chief Clarke also wanted to add a line for radio maintenance.

Selectman Colbert asked Chief Clarke about the parking issue at Thunder Bridge.  Chief Clarke stated he spoke with the resident and explained to him that the Selectmen would be sending him a letter regarding him parking his car and blocking the way to Thunder Bridge.  The letter will advise him that if he continues to park in the right of way, his car will be towed at his expense.  Chief Clarke also told the resident that the trees and shrubs belong to the Town and the Town has the right to remove or trim back any trees or shrubs that the Town feels are a liability.  The Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally said that he was down at Thunder Bridge and he removed the rock that was in the right of way.

SUBJECT:  Emergency Management

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. John Martell reported that a tabletop emergency training with the Fire Department, Selectmen and Police Department has been scheduled for January 14, 2006.  All first response personnel must be NIMS certified before the tabletop emergency training.  Mr. Martell reported that the training is free, but after January 1, 2006 there will be a cost to become NIMS certified.  Mr. Martell said that not only do the Selectmen, Fire Personnel and Police Personnel need certification, but the Health Officer, all Department Heads, Pam Stiles, Principal at Chichester School and the Town Clerk.

SUBJECT:  Road Agent

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. David Kenneally reported that he has cleaned the sand off the bridge.  He said he still needs to clean the underside of the bridge.  Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Kenneally if he could use the “steam jenny” to clean the bridges.  Mr. Kenneally said he could but, would need hoses and a water source.  Fire Chief Mike Paveglio told Mr. Kenneally that he had a portable pump that he could use.

Mr. Kenneally reported that Cross Road, Smith Sanborn Road and Depot Road have been paved.  He also reported that the windshield on the truck was cracked and needed to be replaced.  He said the windshield cracked when the antenna of the truck struck a tree branch and snapped back and hit the windshield cracking it.

Chairman DeBold asked Mr. Kenneally if he was aware of the issue that is taking place on Short Falls Road involving the Blackman’s and Barloe Homes.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he had spoken to Mr. Ian Blackman.  Mr. Blackman told Mr. Kenneally and Chairman DeBold that notice was not given to his parents when the trees were going to be cut down. Chairman DeBold said that he spoke with Ms. Dumont who is the owner of Barloe Homes and she stated that she left a message for Mr. Kenneally regarding the date when the trees were going to be taken down. Mr. Kenneally denied receiving the message.  Mr. Kenneally feels the contractor should have made it a point to speak directly to him when the trees when going to be cut down.

Mr. Kenneally said that he had walked the property with the Town Engineer and Mr. Kenneally made several recommendations to the Engineer regarding culverts and what trees should come down and how much Short Falls Road should be widened.  There is no turn around on Short Falls Road; this is a concern of the Fire Department.  Mr. Kenneally stated the engineer did not think his recommendations were necessary. Selectman Colbert stated that Mr. Kenneally should be given a copy of all plans so that he may review the roads and he should sign off on any road improvements.  

Mr. Kenneally stated he noticed that Mr. Mullaney’s project was disturbing some wetlands.  Mr. Kenneally wanted to know if could walk the property.  Chairman DeBold said he could.

SUBJECT: Fire Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Fire Chief Mike Paveglio reported that there was a house fire on Hutchinson Road.  He said the Fire Department got there just in time before the house was completely destroyed by the fire.  Chief Paveglio stated that he tries to contact Chairman DeBold when a major incident occurs.  Chairman DeBold told Selectmen MacCleery and Colbert that he would try to remember to call them when Chief Paveglio contacts him with any major incident.

Chief Paveglio stated that he has spent a lot of money on vehicle repairs and wanted to know how to go about getting replacement insurance for the vehicles.  He asked Patty to call the Local Government Center to get that information.

Chief Paveglio asked if he could submit a request for Cable Franchise Fees for a laptop to be used in the ambulance.  Chairman DeBold told Chief Paveglio to put his request in a memo and the Board will take it under advisement.

Chairman DeBold briefly spoke to the Department Heads regarding changing the week ending pay period from Thursday to Friday.  Chief Clarke and Mr. Kenneally said the change would be fine with them.

SUBJECT: Mr. Earl Weir

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Weir met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss taking out two acres of land out of current use that is owned by Teresa Brown. The two acres is being donated to a non-profit organization.  He wanted to be sure of the process for taking the land out of current use.  Mr. Weir was given a current use application to update the Town’s records.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chairman DeBold stated that he placed a call to the Department of Transportation’s Commissioner, Ms. Carol Murphy regarding the letter that was sent to her by the Town.  In the letter from the Town the Board of Selectmen asked for the Department of Transportation’s assistance in the light glare that is along Route 4.  That letter was sent to Ms. Murphy on August 1, 2005 and to this day the Town has not received a response.  Chairman DeBold said that he did not speak to her directly, but left a message on her voicemail.

Patty presented the paint bids to the Board of Selectmen.  The Town has received three bids to paint Town Hall.  The lowest bid was from R & C Painting.  Patty will send notification to all bidders.

Discussed by the Board of Selectmen was the presentation to the public regarding the Public Meeting on the removal of the Town’s portion of the dam located on Marsh Pond.  Patty was asked to prepare all documentation that is related to the dam, including correspondence sent to the co-owner of the dam.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

The Minutes from September 20, 2005 were reviewed and approved.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert